People. Buildings. Community.
To preserve and revitalize Washington D.C.’s neighborhoods through programs that connect residents to their collective history, protect the city's architectural heritage and reactivate neglected properties within their communities.
The L'Enfant Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1978 to protect Washington, D.C.'s historic buildings. At the Trust's foundation is its nationally recognized Conservation Easement Program which prevents demolition or inappropriate modification of nearly 1,150 of Washington's historic structures.
In 2013, the Trust launched its Historic Properties Redevelopment Program to ensure that preservation is one of the many tools employed in a diversified approach to urban planning. The Trust's HPRP acquires and rehabilitates severely distressed historic buildings that are threatened with demolition by neglect where such restoration will have a positive impact on neighborhood stabilization.
2009 Vision Award
from The Committee of 100 on the Federal City

2015 State Historic Preservation Officer's Award
Creating Housing through Preservation